About Me

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
I live in the Brighton Heights Neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh PA and recently certified my yard as a wildlife habitat. please feel free to check out my Blog and I hope you enjoy it.When I first bought my property the house was in disrepair and the yard was nothing but dead grass over grown weeds and garbage. It is now a habitat that provides wildlife with the four basic requirements needed to thrive. These are food, clean water, cover from predators, and places to raise young. I have provided these in my small space and will continue to improve on these elements of my garden. I am also an artist and I get a lot of inspiration from my garden. I am fascinated with tiny houses and enjoy cooking and music. I have two adopted cats from a rescue, and I have a one eyed cat that was a stray and needed surgery so I took her in. They are all house cats so they do not tear up my wildlife habitat. They do enjoy sitting in the windows looking at the other animals that visit my yard.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Almost November and still gardening

 I can not believe it is almost November and I am still working on my pond and gardening. I still have quite a bit of blooms throughout the yard.
My pond is looking good still considering it is almost November.
 I do not know if I kneed to drop my pots of Iris' to the deepest part of the pond. In nature no one drops them to deeper water.
 I am hoping everything will winter over alright.
Enjoying the last of my roses and sedum.
 Meadow Rue is still in bloom and cotoneaster has berries on it.
 Balloon flowers had a long season this year.
 The pond plants really filled in this year. Next year I will thin some out.
 Added ten bluegills to the upper pond. So far I have only lost two.
 Its getting colder and windy so even my little pond gets choppy.
 Sometimes I just sit and watch the light reflect off the surface of the water.
Afew of the bluegills around the new lotus.
 Bluegills and lotus
 Bluegills and lotus
 Bluegill and goldfish
 Black eyed Susan
 Next years dogwood flower buds.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


I know it is the end of the season, but today I stocked my pond with Bluegill, They are my favorite fish and a must have for my certified wildlife habitat. Next spring I hope to add a few darters. I got the fish from http://www.midatlanticstocking.com/ I hope that they will be well adjusted to my pond by next March or April so they will be ready for spawning.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Just Catching Up

It has been a while since I have posted. I just got so involved with my new pond and projects around the house. I will try to show the last 2 months of changes that have taken place. 

September 2016
 I am amazed with how fast everything grew in around the pond. I am anxious to see how the pond area will look over the winter. I am also anxious to see what it will look like when the sweet bay magnolia grows bigger and the trumpet vine covers the fence. I am trying to go with a natural wooded look for this area of wildlife habitat.
 I had several water lilies this year. I had several of the pink and a few of the Texas Dawn. I also planted some (Nelumbo Lutea) American Lotus from seed. I hope It had enough time to set in before it gets cold.
 You can see I have a nice selection of pond plants and they really did a good job of filling in. I even had to wade into the pond to weed because some were growing to well.
 I really have learned and enjoyed my pond this year. I am looking forward to seeing it winter over and see it come back again next year.
 One of my lily turfs growing around the pond. I have variegated and plain lily turfs. Variegated has green and white leaves with purple flowers and the plain have green leaves with a soft pinkish rose color flower.
 I had cut this plant back and it is flowering again. I did not know if this would happen but happy it did.
Cyclamen. I think this actually a florist type and will need to come inside for the winter. I am hoping to order some hardy cyclamen for next year.  
 Purple Aster
 Purple Aster
 Type of sedum ground cover.
A branch of holly I started from a cutting. It is about 3 years old. 
Chameleon plant. It has a lot of color so it must be happy here.  
Back yard area. 
Autumn Joy Sedum is starting to change color.