About Me

My photo
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
I live in the Brighton Heights Neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh PA and recently certified my yard as a wildlife habitat. please feel free to check out my Blog and I hope you enjoy it.When I first bought my property the house was in disrepair and the yard was nothing but dead grass over grown weeds and garbage. It is now a habitat that provides wildlife with the four basic requirements needed to thrive. These are food, clean water, cover from predators, and places to raise young. I have provided these in my small space and will continue to improve on these elements of my garden. I am also an artist and I get a lot of inspiration from my garden. I am fascinated with tiny houses and enjoy cooking and music. I have two adopted cats from a rescue, and I have a one eyed cat that was a stray and needed surgery so I took her in. They are all house cats so they do not tear up my wildlife habitat. They do enjoy sitting in the windows looking at the other animals that visit my yard.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

April Showers

Been trying to get work done between the rain storms. Today I got outside before it started to rain and I removed the forsythia along the side of the house. I never really liked it and it just took up space I could use for other things. I will offer them for free on craigslist and on the neighborhood website. If no one takes them I will plant them over at the church. I have made a lot of changes to my yard and will be making even more I need to start taking pictures of the changes to post. I will be getting a shed soon and a picnic table. I am told the church will be closing soon next door and am concerned what will happen with the property and how it will affect my wildlife habitat and the neighborhood.
 April 2009
April 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 2017

The month of April started off cold and rainy. The grape Hyacinths and creeping phlox started off the season with great color.

 Grape Hyacinth along pathway
 Still have Daffodils in the front even though I keep moving them to the back. 
 Still wondering if this Chicory was a mistake to add to the landscape. It self seeds everywhere but the goldfinches love it.
 My earliest blooming peony. I some times even opens when there is still snow.
I never get enough violets. My turtles love them also. 
 My Primrose started flowering in February and are still going strong. I have a stray cat that keeps raiding my pond and catching my fish. I find the bodies all over the yard with there heads chewed off.
 My Primrose 
These white hyacinths were buried under a bunch of  plywood when I first bought my house. I dug them up and moved them. They have come up every year since 2009 and bloom every year since 2010.
 My pond plants are off to a good start. 
 Red and yellow primrose.
Another tiny primrose 
purple and yellow primrose. 
 My waterlilies broke the surface of the water a lot earlier than every one else I know with ponds in Pittsburgh.
 I got more bluegills. The other ones. Hopefully some of these will live.
The bluegill are the same size as the goldfish right now. 

My white flowering dogwood Finally  has a lot of flowers this year. Last year was the first year it flowered and it only got one flower.
Primrose in full bloom. 
Hyacinths left over from Easter 
Another hyacinth left from Easter. 
 Tulips. My tulips actually got to bloom this year because the deer did not eat them.
Tulips and Hyacinth. 
A Tulip that has not bloomed for at least 3 years. 
 Flowering Cherry
 Flowering Cherry
 These were small fragments of iris left in yard after giving away a ton of them last year. I did not think they would seriously grow but they have and the are flowering.
 I new rose bush Blue girl. I felt I had to rescue it. It was one of those rose bushes you see dipped in wax with the roots cut way back and packed in a plastic bag with sawdust.
 My first peony to open this year.
Beauty of Moscow Lilac 
 Jose re blooming lilac
 creeping phlox
 Back yard pond 


Tulips  that were not eaten by the deer.
 My Japanese maple died back except for the top branch.
 The first Black swallowtail to visit my yard this year.

Lily of the Valley starting to open. 
 I love this Primrose.
Persimmon tree

 tulips and hyacinths
Flowering Cherry. 
Dames Rocket 

Carolina Sweet Shrub
 Japanese Maple with dead branches removed.
 Forget me not
 Snow in Summer
 Coral Bells.
Miniature dwarf bearded iris Beetlejuice. 
MDB Iris 
 MDB Iris
 I finally started cutting down the churches dead trees.

 I am also removing all of the barberry bushes. I hate these with a passion.
 Hasta La Vista baby.
 My aftermath
 Another on to bite the dust.
 I want the entire side of my house planted with lilacs of different sizes and colors.
Re blooming Lilac 
 Finally the house is starting to look good. Home Depot never did finish The job with the siding around the bay window area. Never hire Home Depot All of the negative reviews are true .
 Will be replacing the rest of the windows in the next few months.
 I can not believe this is the same house I bought in 2009.
 There are a lot of windows in this place. I can not wait till they are all replaced. Should be done by June.
Coral bell 
 I bought seeds from Amazon for yellow violets. They were all purple except for one single yellow flower.

 I moved my orchids outside for the summer.

Lupine started from seed.