About Me

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
I live in the Brighton Heights Neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh PA and recently certified my yard as a wildlife habitat. please feel free to check out my Blog and I hope you enjoy it.When I first bought my property the house was in disrepair and the yard was nothing but dead grass over grown weeds and garbage. It is now a habitat that provides wildlife with the four basic requirements needed to thrive. These are food, clean water, cover from predators, and places to raise young. I have provided these in my small space and will continue to improve on these elements of my garden. I am also an artist and I get a lot of inspiration from my garden. I am fascinated with tiny houses and enjoy cooking and music. I have two adopted cats from a rescue, and I have a one eyed cat that was a stray and needed surgery so I took her in. They are all house cats so they do not tear up my wildlife habitat. They do enjoy sitting in the windows looking at the other animals that visit my yard.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Moving in more hard scapping.

I found out from the priest next door that the church will be tearing down the garage in the corner of the back parking lot. They will be cleaning up all the trash and I asked if it would be ok for me to take all the old rock sitting up by the garage. He told me if I wanted it to take it before they start tearing down the garage. I started moving some today. it is to heavy to lift so I roll it onto my dolly and wheel it around through my neighbors driveway and into my back yard. This will look good and what I do not use around the pond will be used for a rock garden butterfly area.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Persimmon Tree

Although this is a non native tree and really unexpected in a wildlife habitat I am finding I really like it a lot. I am also finding that American native persimmon trees are good plants for rain gardens. This tree was given to me by a neighbor before I started my wildlife habitat so that is why it is in my wildlife habitat area. I am thrilled to find out that it is self pollinating and that it is blossoming this year for the first time. The tree is attractive but the flowers are very inconspicuous. The fruits are supposed to be the most attractive part of the tree and I am looking forward to trying some.
 There are two different types of flowers on the tree one is larger and the other is much smaller. These are the larger ones. 
These are the smaller flowers and there are a lot more that are closer together. 
 The larger again.
 The larger flowers.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

There have been a lot of changes going on.

The last few weeks I have made a lot of changes to the yard. I have added a lot of new plants and finally put up a shed. I have a lot of Iris on the church hillside of all different colors and a lot of peonies that are not in the habitat area. I get to enjoy them and the people from the church get to enjoy then also. I also have my bog area started and the pond is looking great.

I added a picnic table but stained it pecan instead of the traditional red wood stain. 
 My bog has a small spillway into the upper pond and the water is looking clearer than it ever has.
 My yard is very small but as you can see it is packed and planed out .
 Rhododendron that used to be in my yard now on the hillside between my place and the church.
Variegated Weigela  
 A rose bush that will be getting moved as soon as it is done blooming.
 Knock out rose in front of porch.
Blue and cream colored Iris at the front of my yard in front of my wildlife habitat sign. 
Orange and white Iris. 
 Yellow flag Iris 
 Yellow bearded iris
Yellow Flag Iris 
These red roses came up in my front yard a couple years after I bought the place and I have divided them several times since then. I also have some pink ones that also came up around the same time but they have not started to bloom yet.
Same red rose.
Variegated Weigela
A re blooming White iris.
White columbine.
Rainbow knock out rose
My Hillside of Iris
Iris and peonies.
Iris and peonies.
Japanese Iris
I moved the crab apple tree and snow in summer to make room for my new shed.
Red rose
Single white rose. This one just came up on its own as a weed.
Ox eye daisy and Sweet William.
Dames rocket and Painted daisy
Ox eye daisy
This is where the shed will go.
This tree stump and zebra grass are going to be removed.
White iris.
White Iris
Azalea, Lupine and Yarrow.
forget me not.
Forget me not
Fire Spinner Ice Plant
Pond area.
I did not know where to put this Arbor so It is just sitting here for now till I figure out what to do with it.
Lower pond and water fall.
Jurassic Park Iris.
White columbine.
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park
Front yard sign for wildlife habitat area.
Painted daisy and Dames Rocket
Knock out roses.
Stone and sand pad for new shed.
Space between my house and the neighbor. This is a part sun part shade area.
Pond area.
Jurassic Park Iris
Wildlife habitat sign
Sweet William
Painted daisy
Dutch Iris
Dutch Iris
Painted daisy and Dames rocket.
Rainbow knockout rose.
Variegated Weigela.
Moved this tree a few weeks ago and it is still looking good.
Lenten rose.
Blue wind flowers starting to sprout.
Lenten rose
A small piece of Weigela that broke off and I stuck in the ground to try to root. That was about a month and a half so it might be working.
Old stump from a dead Yew that needed moved for the shed. I am using it in my wildlife habitat to try and attract amphibians.
Orange and peach colored Iris
Light pink Columbine 
White colunbine.
Dark red iris.
Orange iris
White Columbine.
Jurassic Park Iris
Jurassic Park Iris
Carolina sweet shrub
Back of pond area
Pond Iris
Coral bell
Violet Freckles
Violet Freckles
Bog area
Peach and orange iris
Dark red iris
Jurassic Park
Evening Primrose.
Front border.
Front border
Front border.
I had to move my trumpet vines for the shed so they are sitting in my pond till I get them transplanted.
New Shed