About Me

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
I live in the Brighton Heights Neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh PA and recently certified my yard as a wildlife habitat. please feel free to check out my Blog and I hope you enjoy it.When I first bought my property the house was in disrepair and the yard was nothing but dead grass over grown weeds and garbage. It is now a habitat that provides wildlife with the four basic requirements needed to thrive. These are food, clean water, cover from predators, and places to raise young. I have provided these in my small space and will continue to improve on these elements of my garden. I am also an artist and I get a lot of inspiration from my garden. I am fascinated with tiny houses and enjoy cooking and music. I have two adopted cats from a rescue, and I have a one eyed cat that was a stray and needed surgery so I took her in. They are all house cats so they do not tear up my wildlife habitat. They do enjoy sitting in the windows looking at the other animals that visit my yard.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Persimmon Tree

Although this is a non native tree and really unexpected in a wildlife habitat I am finding I really like it a lot. I am also finding that American native persimmon trees are good plants for rain gardens. This tree was given to me by a neighbor before I started my wildlife habitat so that is why it is in my wildlife habitat area. I am thrilled to find out that it is self pollinating and that it is blossoming this year for the first time. The tree is attractive but the flowers are very inconspicuous. The fruits are supposed to be the most attractive part of the tree and I am looking forward to trying some.
 There are two different types of flowers on the tree one is larger and the other is much smaller. These are the larger ones. 
These are the smaller flowers and there are a lot more that are closer together. 
 The larger again.
 The larger flowers.

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