About Me

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
I live in the Brighton Heights Neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh PA and recently certified my yard as a wildlife habitat. please feel free to check out my Blog and I hope you enjoy it.When I first bought my property the house was in disrepair and the yard was nothing but dead grass over grown weeds and garbage. It is now a habitat that provides wildlife with the four basic requirements needed to thrive. These are food, clean water, cover from predators, and places to raise young. I have provided these in my small space and will continue to improve on these elements of my garden. I am also an artist and I get a lot of inspiration from my garden. I am fascinated with tiny houses and enjoy cooking and music. I have two adopted cats from a rescue, and I have a one eyed cat that was a stray and needed surgery so I took her in. They are all house cats so they do not tear up my wildlife habitat. They do enjoy sitting in the windows looking at the other animals that visit my yard.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Silene Armeria

None - so - Pretty 
None - so Pretty is a very lovely wildflower. Commonly called Catchfly, Wild Catchfly, None-So-Pretty, or Sweet William Catchfly, this annual puts on a fabulous display of brilliant magenta colored blooms during mid-summer. Silene Armeria Catchfly is a native to Europe, but it has been grown here in the United States since the early 1800's and is an extremely popular wildflower. Catchfly wildflowers are good at re-seeding if the blooms are left to go to seed and the wildflower seeds fall on bare ground. Typically, None So Pretty Catchfly will grow quickly and bloom heavily before it is killed by frost, but in mild winters, it has been known to be a short-lived perennial. Sweet William Catchfly wildflowers will grow in all regions of North America in full sun or partial shade. It is excellent in meadows or other naturalized settings. It's a must have for the wildflower garden as well.

Sow Silene seeds directly outdoors after last frost. Soil should be weeded and loosened. Catchfly wildflower seeds are extremely tiny. Broadcast the Silene Armeria seeds and press the seeds into the loosened soil but do not cover them. Catchfly wildflowers will bloom in 6 - 8 weeks after germination.

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